Current State of Equity Markets in India

Author(s) : Dr. Shveta Singh, Prof. P. K. Jain, Prof. Surendra S. Yadav
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : August 2017 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 3/4

Abstract: The objective of this commentary is to provide a bird’s eye view of virtually all the major aspects of returns in the Indian equity markets and their implications. The findings are the result of a study which is perhaps the first (in India) having the largest sample size consisting of the National Stock Exchange’s (NSE) 500 index companies (representing almost 97 per cent of the market capitalisation). Hence, the chosen sample virtually presents a census on equity market returns in India. The period of the study is spread over two decades (1994-2014) tracking returns right from the inception of the index till March 31, 2014. The period of the study has been sub-divided into two phases to study the impact (if any) of recession.

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