Mobile Technology and Behaviour of Women: A literature review

Author(s) : Palak Gadhiya, Dr. Nilam Panchal
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : August 2017 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 3/4

Abstract: Penetration rate of mobile phones are increasing rapidly day by day which results into more connectivity, easy communication and provides varied opportunities at business level. The numbers of wireless internet users in India are likely to cross 790 million by 2020 with more than 60 per cent of users accessing the internet through their mobile phones. It is expected that over the next couple of years, 3G and 4G subscribers would constitute over 40 % of the wireless internet subscriber base (FICCI-KPMG, 2016). Across the different users of mobile phones women are not last in the race. Various studies have been done on the technology association with women. This paper will review what kind of work has been done by the scholars in the area of new technology adoption, specifically related to the mobile or smartphones usage by women in the last few decades. The author will do content analysis of literature reviews on the topic which covers results, objective/s of the study, methodology and variables. The paper will also examine the state of current research on the topic and points out gaps in existing literature. The findings of the review provide insight for further studies.

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