Flexible Working Hours and Organizational Productivity: Exploring the potential linkage

Author(s) : Waseem John
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : November 2017 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 4

Abstract: Flexible Working Hours has recently seen the attention of both academicians as well practitioners as a tool to enhance organizational and employee performance. However, there is a lack of research as how FWH as a strategy can help in enhancing the productivity of organizations. This paper is based on extensive review of some important studies related to FHW. Various factors have been considered which are directly or indirectly related to the ultimate productivity of the organization. The findings indicate that organizations can become more productive and efficient if the FWH practices are implemented at a strategic level and more importantly if due consideration is given to the preferences and needs of the employees. The prominent contributing factors seem to be the employee well being, creation and retention of a diverse talent pool, WLB etc. The implications for practitioners are also presented.

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