Developing FOW Employee Competence for India: Employer and Employee

Author(s) : Dr. V.Vijaya
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : February 2019 | Volume : 13 | Issue : 1/4

Abstract: In recent years, digital technology has disrupted one industry after another, and it is rapidly transforming how people communicate, learn, and work. Experts and researchers describe the technological progress in this digital era as exponential, digital, and combinatorial. Exponential is increasing betterment and inappropriateness of past to future; Digital is the conversion of any data into bits understood by computers and combinatorial means each development becomes a building block for future innovations. Human resources development needs to take cognisance of the unique challenges that the workplace of the future characterised by digitalisation and virtualization so that young people can be prepared adequately for the workplace. Defining it as a radical change in the Indian scenario which finds a number of companies in the digital, virtual space of creating, delivering products and also offering services, it is a fertile ground for a meaningful exploration as a FOW concept.

In this context, the proposed study conceptualises FOW based on literature under six domains – impact on business and the organisation, impact on work and the worker, characterising FOW competence and dynamics of developing this from an employer, employee and the employer-employee side. The objectives of the study based on research gaps identified are to identify key characteristics of organisational adaptation mechanisms in the Indian FOW context and explore various inter-firm and intra-firm collaborations. Within this context, an attempt will be made to define what FOW competence is and how it can be developed with the employee and employer as partnering agents. The methodology is mixed, with a qualitative and quantitative focus depending on the scope. LFI and social constructivism will be a framework to explore. The study will be useful in the Indian context to make some sense of the rapidly changing scenario and coping required in the digital and virtual work in Indian organisations. A framework for development and training on FOW employee competence is a plausible outcome of the study.

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