Emerging Perspectives of Government With Advent of Frontier Technology: Indian Context

Author(s) : Charru Malhotra
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : May 2019 | Volume : 13 | Issue : 2/4

Abstract: The technological advancements happening in the twenty-first century are transforming many aspects of human lives. However, one aspect that is still taking considerable time to transform is how people are governed. The pace at which these technologies are developing, disrupting, transforming and converging to create even more complex technologies has left governance structures with problems like policy decay, maintaining trust etc. Governance hence needs to be agile which can be achieved only by incorporating these technologies in the governance structures. Through various case studies, the methods and tools essential for implementing agility through frontier technologies are elaborated. The paper then attempts describing how a data-driven approach can be helpful in achieving agility through various examples around the world. Lastly, the concerns associated and tools to resolve concerns are discussed.

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