Assessment of the Regulatory Aspects Of Supply Chain Management of Hazardous Materials, (Hazmat) With Respect To The Indian Chemical Industry

Author(s) : Parag Dadeech
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : November 2020 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 2/4

Purpose of this Paper

HAZMAT, defined as materials which can harm people, organisms & environment are a critical part of the industry supply-chain as raw material, intermediates or finished products. A strong & effective regulatory frame work for dealing with HAZMAT & proper management is of utmost importance for ensuring adequate safety & minimizing risks during different stages of supply chain (manufacturing, storage, transportation). In view of this, the objective of research was to study the prevailing regulatory framework for supply-chain management of HAZMAT in context of Indian chemical industry.

The methodology opted for a literature survey of the HAZMAT regulatory frame work, classification of the multiple Acts & Rules in India, in accordance with different stages of supply chain. The study expands by comparative assessment with some best practices in EU & recommendations.

The research conducts gap-analysis of the prevailing regulatory structure & develops a theoretical frame-work for better HAZMAT management in India.

Research Limitations
The research is limited to HAZMAT in the context of Indian chemical industry.

A strong regulatory frame-work for Supply Chain Management of HAZMAT is imperative to ensure safety & risk mitigation due to their significant usage as raw-materials, intermediates or finished products in a wide variety of industries. The research contributes to the body of knowledge in this field & gap-analysis to improve supply-chain management of HAZMAT in the Indian context.

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