An Analysis To Understand The Effectiveness Of Search Engine Parameters For Online Consumer engagement

Author(s) : Dr. Pragati Saxena
ISSN : 0974 - 497
Year : February 2021 | Volume : 15 | Issue : 1/4

"Give users actually what they want not what they say" quote by Kathy Seira, that exactly defines the work of search engine. Information is an integral part of human life. It's like an atom present in each and every element of environment. Search engines plays a major role in finding out the solution of any problem in today's scenario. Search engines add values to information by presenting it such a way that it can be easily understood by its users and satisfy their routine needs. Numerous data is available on variety of search engines. But there are many qualitative and quantitative factors that make each search engine a unique one. The paper discusses such performance parameters of Search engine. A conceptual model has been developed that focuses on the important aspects of Information consumers and Information feeders. The paper does a study to understand the relationship between the valuable parameters responsible for consumer (Information Users) engagement at the Search engine. A questionnaire has been prepared using Google doc and data is collected through online and offline Survey. A correlation analysis has been done between Search engine parameters and consumer engagement using SPSS tool. The parameters discussed here are: Quality of Information, Listing of results and Search Engine features. The paper also does a comparative study to find out the most effective parameter among all.

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